Strengths of the backdrop tension fabric
  2022/06/30| View:1071

What is the backdrop tension fabric?

Backdrop tension fabric is mainly used for light box painting, and painting fabric is a special coating that can be used for painting fabric, generally used for hanging, scroll screens.

Backdrop tension fabric is a lightbox signboard fabric made of two layers of PVC and one layer of high-strength mesh fabric, also called Polaroid. Divided into two kinds of internal lighting and external lighting.

The main production methods of backdrop tension fabric are the blade-scraping coating method, calendering method, and fusion method.

backdrop tension fabric

Features of the backdrop tension fabric:

Thickness, tensile strength, ductility, weatherability, transparency, flame retardant, peeling, flatness, and so on for ink-jet and ink absorption, and color reduction.

Backdrop tension fabric is used for indoor and outdoor light boxes. It is a necessary light box material for an advertising agency. The fabric consists of an ink-jet adsorption layer, anti-ultraviolet white layer, anti-mildew layer, and fiber layer. The thickness is 19-23mil.

What are the advantages of adopting a lightbox with backdrop tension fabric?

1. It can be painted

The customer can according to the demand, the free customization

2. High strength

The material is more durable and can be used for long-term advertising

3. UV protection

Not afraid of long-term sunlight exposure, to avoid the fading caused by the Sun

4. Prevent mildew and dust

5. It is not prone to seepage

6. White and bright

7. Even light transmission

Changzhou Lintel Display Co. . , Ltd is a leading company in exhibition and display industry. There is a professional team that provides one-stop services to our customers, so stay tuned for more information on the backdrop tension fabric.