Maintenance Methods for light box for sale
  2022/04/19| View:407

Light Box for sale is widely used for its beauty and advertising, but the maintenance of light box for sale is a problem. Many vendors do not know how to maintain light boxes for sale,  maintenance and upkeep light box for sale, extend the life of light box for sale.

light box for sale

The first is storage. Because the LED is to be stored in a dry and ventilated environment, storage temperature-40 °C-+ 100 °C, relative humidity is 85%. Light Box for sale, if placed in a colder environment, should take this into account. Cities with more rain should also pay attention to the waterproof performance of light box for sale and take precautions against waterlogging, increasing the life of light box for sale.

And then there's cleanliness. Be very careful when cleaning light boxes for sale. Some light box for sale makers make the light box for sale, which is not waterproof and easily porous, and led lamps can not be cleaned with an unknown chemical liquid, which could damage the surface of the LED resin and even cause gel cracks.